Monday 29 November 2010

Location Analysis

These three images are of one of the main locations we will be using. This is the place where our main character will come after he sees his ex with somebody else. The dull tones of the scenery reflects his mood and the sombre theme that shows despair. This is shown with the natural wood colours and the dull green of the leaves. Also by the dull brickwork and the graffiti represents a run down area, which is where the character feels he belongs as a run down human being. The first picture is the most influential to show what sort of place this is and so will be used as an establishing shot. The others will show fast paced shots including smashing bottles to symbolise a choatic atmosphere to portray his chaotic emotions.

These two locations reflect the same theme of despair with dull colours and their general appearence of nothing being appealing. We will use a very unsteady point of view shot of the main character running whilst he feels he is being followed, shown by similar shots from behind the protagonist. This is to symbolise him running away from his troubles and therefore running away from the places that reflect how he is feeling on the inside. This allows the audience to empathise with the character as everybody has felt the desire to escape problems, enabling them to become more involved in the narrative.

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