Monday 29 November 2010

Filming Schedule

Scenes to film:
- Protaganist seeing ex in street
- Protaganist going crazy in street
- Protaganist meeting up with drug dealer
Equipment: Camera and tripod
Locations: Street in a residential area, discreet alleyway
Props: Hoodie, flour in a bag resembling cocaine
People needed: Media group - Lucy, Michelle, Miles. Actors - Pad (main character), Miles, James, Lucy
Estimated time: 2 hours

Monday 11th October

Scenes to film:
- Opening bedroom scenes, eg. reading text and destroying room
- More going crazy in streets including him smashing bottles in the tunnel underneath the bridge.
Equipment: Camera and tripod
Locations: A boy's bedroom, a pavement besides a busy street, tunnel
Props: Alcohol glass bottles, road signs, a bed, clothes, photo
People needed: Media group - Lucy, Michelle, Miles. Actors - Pad
Estimated time: 3 hours

Thursday 14th October

Scenes to film:
- Night scenes including fire scenes and point of view shots
- More inside scenes, eg. turning point
- Bath death scenes
Equipment: Camera, tripod, lighting
Locations: A field, a living room, a bathroom
Props: A large oil drum to have fire in, matches, paper and leaves to create fire, teddy bear to burn, alcohol bottles, flour representing cocaine, a bath, razor, mirror
People needed: Media group - Lucy, Michelle, Miles. Actors - Pad
Estimated time: 4 hours

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