Monday, 29 November 2010

Analysis of Existing Music Videos Coldplay - The Scientist

Story: There is a clear narrative that is told in reverse. A car accident has killed his girlfriend and he has walked away in despair. Playing the video in reverse allows the video to be interesting as you are wondering what has happened in the past that is so significant. As you do not find out what happened until the end it allows Chris Martin to appear to be a hero as he is walking along as the main man in the viedeo, it seems there is nobody else of significance
Setting: The video uses many outdoor locations that are quiet and subdued which reflects the sombre mood of the video
Characters: The main character is Chris Martin. This is because he is the front man of the group and therefore he is the main one that the fans would like to see, he is the one who will attract the audience. There is also the character of the girlfriend whom is there to correspond with the story and make the video interesting. The target audience of Coldplay would want to see a love interest as they are used to a strong narrative and romance and passion is a strong element of their music. Therefore the audience is more attracted to the video and will remember it.
Costume: The characters both wear standard trendy clothing which represents the bands image and the genre of music. Aiding the audience to identify the video as Coldplay's
Lyrics: The video fits the lyrics as its a sombre song to go with the theme of a tragic accident in the video. The mood of the music is a romantic, sad mood and the lyrics correspond with this which is conventional to some music videos
Special Effects: The video is shot with Chris Martin singing the lyrics backwards so that when the footage is played in reverse it appears that he is moving backwards but singing the words perfectly. The slow reverse movement fits in with the mood of the song which makes it easier to understand. The way it was achieved meant Chris Martin had to leanr the whole song backwards to achieve the effect
Camera Angles:

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