We wanted to create a theme running through the CD digipak and magazine advertisement. This is why we used two of the images from the digipak in the advertisement. Our largest image is the one that is used as the frontcover of the CD. If a target audience sees this they will then relate it to the CD they see in the shop and therefore identify it is 'watercolour' by Pendulum. Some of the text are slightly rotated as this gives the advert something different that just boring striaght text. However, it would look strange if we rotated all of the text which is why some are straight. There is a balance between the two. We added conventions to our magazine advertisement including the name of the band, the name of the single and a website. Another convention is reviews and star ratings from a critics. This not only makes the magazine look realistic but also promotes the band and single. When the target audience reads that a professional is giving praise, it will give them the confidence to buy it. We included a combination of reviews praising the single and actual band. We used a different text for the reviews to clearly seperate it from the other text. We followed the previous convention of less is more in terms of the drum and bass genre as this is what attracts the target audience. This meant keeping the design very simple and minimilistic to emphasise that this is about the music and thats what will sell the CD.
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